Unfortunately, even the very best equipment and software systems become worn out and obsolete. When this occurs those system components will require to be decommissioned and the way cleared to install current and state of the art components to ensure that the Range System remains fit for purpose.

Decommissioning typically will encompass the sub-system components such as the Control Room, Firing Point, Downrange Hardware including Target Lifters, Projectile Location Systems, Lane Markers and electrical and communications cabling and mounting hardware components.

The equipment that has been removed can be used intelligently as a source of componentry to extend the life of type of some components with the aim of increasing operational availability of the system prior to planned refurbishment or replacement of other similar range systems. In this way the best use can be made of components that remain fit for purpose even though other system elements are no longer fit for use.

Once cleared and prepared the range is ready for further civil works if required and the task of installation.